To shop by color, tap on the color swatches. They're all links that will take you to listings for every product available in that particular color.
This color chart shows swatches for the products available in our kanekalon jumbo braid section. Availability varies by brand; some colors are available in only one brand, and some colors are available in several.
Please note that colors vary from monitor to monitor; the way a color swatch appears on your computer is not necessarily how it will look in person and the color charts on our website should be used as a general guide only. If you'd like to see a color in person before ordering, check out our color samples! :)
The names used on our color chart and product titles don't always match the names on the packages of hair. Because we carry multiple brands, we have many colors with the same names; for example, we have three colors labeled as "purple," but we list two of those shades as "lavender" and "dark purple" because the three colors are completely different from one another. If you need to know the color on the packages, check out the individual item descriptions. If they don't match up or if we've got a batch of hair that's been mislabeled, it will be noted in the description.
Solid Kanekalon Jumbo Braid
Blended and Mixed Kanekalon Jumbo Braid